My Lord and My God

Thomas said to him, ‘My Lord and my God!’” (John 20:28, NIV).

This season is not joyful for everyone. Some dread it. Their melancholy memories make it hard to sing. “Joy to the World!”—not really. “How Great Our Joy!”—well, maybe for you.

Before you label me “Scrooge,” come with me to meet a first-century disciple who fits this label. When Jesus planned to raise Lazarus, He invited the Twelve to accompany Him, but this downcast soul said, “Let us go, that we may die with him” (John 11:14–16). Later, as Jesus revealed His plan to leave earth, “prepare a place,” and return to His followers, that same, sad individual sneered, “We do not know where You are going. How do we know the way?” (John 14:5).

His name was Thomas. As his colleagues leaned forward, Thomas leaned back, frowning. And wouldn’t you know it? The evening after Jesus rose and brought words of assurance, Thomas missed the meeting! When the other disciples exclaimed, “We have seen the Lord!” he blurted out, “Unless I see, I will not believe” (John 20:25).

Jesus didn’t rush back to convince Thomas. For eight full days He waited. Then suddenly Jesus returned, walked through the closed door (!), and stood directly in front of him. Without rebuke, He showed His palms and side and invited the struggler to touch scars left by spikes and a spear. That did it! Bowing, Thomas exclaimed, “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:27–28).

The story doesn’t end there. It continues in this season. Consider how Jesus answered the man who finally believed: “Because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and believed” (John 20:28).

Are you among those who find it next to impossible to believe? Do you identify with Thomas, though you’re surrounded by Jesus’ followers? Take heart! Consider with eyes of faith the evidence. Read again the story of the Savior’s birth. Join the ranks of those who have not seen, and yet declare, “My Lord and my God!”